Customer Service
Most Commonly Asked Questions
Online Training Tutorial
The online training tutorial shows you exactly how ProPay works! Click
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
The FAQ gives you answers to common questions quickly and easily by
keyword or topic. Click
ProPay guarantees that you will receive a response to your e-mail inquiries
within 1 business day
For chargeback or holding of funds questions, please contact the ProPay Risk Management department at
Electronic communication to ProPay in an e-mail should never include the following:
- Full Social Security Numbers
- Credit Card Numbers
- Card Verification Numbers
- Your ProPay Prepaid MasterCard® Card Number
- Your ProPay Prepaid MasterCard® Card Verification Number
ProPay is concerned about the protection of your personal information, as well as the protection of your customer’s personal information. Furthermore, privacy law and Card Association rules clearly restrict the electronic communication and storage of personal information.
We can still answer any question you might have about a specific transaction by simply providing your name, e-mail address or user ID associated with your Account, and the date, dollar amount, or transaction ID number of the transaction in question.
Customer Service Representatives are available between the hours of 6:30 AM and 7 PM (Mountain Time) Monday through Friday by calling
For ProPay's Card Service Line, call 800-365-7816 inside the U.S., or 801-717-2527 outside the U.S., 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Browser Requirements
To help protect the security of your account information, we require that you use a current browser that supports at least 128-bit encryption. To access ProPay website features, you must enable JavaScript and cookies.
Supported browsers include the following:
- Internet Explorer (version 9.0 or above)
- Firefox, most recent version
- Safari, most recent version
- Chrome, most recent version