What is AVS verification

This information is optional. However, if you enter your customer’s address in these fields, ProPay will compare the address you submit to the address the card-issuing bank has on file for the cardholder. This check, called the Address Verification System, or AVS, will return a code to you telling you how well the addresses match up. It is primarily designed to protect you from fraudulent card users.

There are several AVS codes that may be returned on a transaction. The following are the most common codes:

  • X = Exact street address match and 9-digit zip code match.
  • Y = Exact street address match and 5-digit zip code match.
  • A = Street address match only (zip code does not match).
  • W = 9-digit zip code match only (the street address does not match).
  • Z = 5-digit zip code match only (the street address does not match).
  • N = No street address or zip match at all.
  • U = Address unavailable. Usually means the billing address was not entered, so a check could not be made.
  • R = Issuer system unavailable. Usually means the address for the credit card could not be looked up due to problems with the lines to the issuing bank.

A positive AVS code (X or Y) is a strong indication that the cardholder is tied to the address you were given, and gives you an extra level of security. Your transaction will be processed regardless of the AVS result.

As a merchant, you determine whether you want to deal with customers who return low-level AVS matches. You may refund a transaction if you’re not comfortable with the AVS code returned to you.

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